Stop the Hate Mongers

They’ll tell you to hate the people who make more money, but they won’t tell you how to make more or help you get there. They tell you that you are being discriminated against, but they won’t tell you how to change the perceptions. Even the so called “Black leaders” have an agenda at keeping the hate; otherwise they’d be out of a job.
If the Democrats really cared about the poor they would help to reduce or eliminate taxes for them, they would promote hard work and self-reliance as a means to lift yourself from poverty, and they would point you to the existing programs to help you. But instead they fuel the hate of the rich.
Government programs are designed to enslave the poor and keep them dependant on the politicians who promise a better life for all. Have you ever seen a person on welfare with a great life? They chant their socialist mantra that everyone is equal, but neglect to tell you that men & women that work harder and set goals achieve great things.
Democrats want your money and they want power over you, The Republicans want you to exercise your right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness! You make the choice; it’s you’re your constitutional right to vote!
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