How Bush Won the Black Vote

This is and example of racist propaganda that he spreads and is typical of the so-called black leaders.
The reason that President Bush won a greater number of votes by the black community is that many are living the American Dream. They are finally realizing the flaws in the Democrats perception of how the world should work. They have realized that hard work and self reliance is the key to success. And government hand-outs are destructive to your self esteem.
The election wasn’t about moral values; it was about leadership, a vision of America and the protecting rights of all people to have an equal opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their hard work.
Mr. Page writes: “you’ve got to stop letting the other party do a better job defining your moral values than you do of defining theirs.” This is typical a Democrat’s thinking that people are too stupid to think for themselves, they need the government to think, care, and provide for them. These are the very falsehoods that keep Blacks impoverished.
Liberals need to understand that Blacks are waking up from this propaganda. No longer will you be able to point the finger at the Republicans for all the Black communities’ problems. Blacks have realized they can think for themselves, work hard and achieve whatever they wish. How do you explain Black’s home ownership is at an all time high?
The people of this country are waking up to the fact that liberals want to control people and spend their hard earned money. President Bush understands his role as leader in protecting this nation and providing an opportunity for all Americans to pursue the American Dream. The veil has been lifted liberals; spinning another tale of deception for the next election won’t work either.
You can reach Mr. Clarence Page at
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