Is There Intelligent Life Down there?

Why do the liberal producers insist on stereotyping all Americans with a low IQ? I think that it goes back to the same strategy as trying to reinforce their deviant behavior by depicting them as normal. Thousands and thousands of weekly images define our perception of our fellow man by the programs we watch.
I see it as a method of control over Americans especially the poor and uneducated. Power and control is what the liberals want. They don’t care about the people of this country, they view you as cattle. Liberal Democrats want control of your money and ultimately your lives. Can you say Socialists?
I refuse to watch those programs, but for those who do not it validates the liberal efforts to impose their beliefs of this nation. Go ahead and watch Rosie O’Donnell’s new show. If intelligent life is out there they wouldn’t assume there is any here by our TV programming.
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