I’m scratching my head in dismay!

If there is a devil he’s laughing his little forked tail off. It looks as if chaos has run amok and we are getting no where. But, the truth of the matter is that there is a greater war happening here. It’s a battle between Good and Evil. I knew someday that the people of this country would stand up again and take back the freedoms we have lost, fight for what is right and take back control from the liberals that have imposed their beliefs on this nation.
The tide is turning and we can all rejoice in the chaos. The louder they protest and the harder they fight prove they are losing ground. We have a president that despite the polls stays his course and pushes on with what he believes is right for this country. Yet at every turn evil is trying to derail his course and distract his determination. Hence, all the chaos right now.
The balance is shifting right and they can’t stand it. Justice Roberts and Alito were major victories for the right and the fight is just getting started. There will be the extremist from both sides raise their heads and try to gain ground, but the common good will ultimately win.
I think I’m like most, scratching their heads in dismay at the chaos around us, wishing nations were not at war, protesting would stop and people around the globe were happy living their lives in peace. Even though I am an optimist I know this battle may go on for years. But I can find comfort in knowing that the Good in this nation is not dead!
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