"Leaks" Commit Treason

“Lawmakers serving on the House-Senate panel probing pre-Sept. 11 intelligence breakdowns have been asked to submit to lie-detector tests to learn the source of a leak…”No longer can we tolerate the leaks out of Congress or any other American. These Congressmen have no right to be above the law and should be punished if they placed our people in harms way. Why shouldn’t they be subject to a polygraph test if they were the only ones that could have possibly leaked the information?
“The Senate's top Republican expressed little sympathy for the members of the panel, however, and savored the irony of the lawmakers' predicament.”Journalist should not be immune to the proposed law either. Conspiracy with a “leak” should have similar punishment. Confidential “leaks” about classified government programs and information has to be protected. Especially if our men and women lives serving this country are at stake!
Look at the NSA wiretap leak. The loss of valuable information and an edge on the enemy has placed American lives are at risk. Why don’t we just let the whole world know our military plans and tactics so that can prepare for our attacks? Can you say element of surprise?
“If we can't trust our nation's leadership with sensitive information, then we ought to go back and start all over again.”Maybe background checks and a security clearance should be mandated by the Constitution if we can’t trust our elected officials to keep sensitive and classified information secret. Or better yet keep Congress out of military operations? Either way I believe jail time should be in any “leaks” future!
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