No Terrorist? Can It Be?

Oh President Bush shame, shame, shame! How could you betray our trust in you? You have invaded two countries that posed no threat to the US and removed two wonderful leaders from power. How they loved their people, cared for them and now one is on the lamb and the other is on trial for crimes he didn’t commit.
You just don’t seem to understand terrorist, they are good religious people. They really didn’t mean to blow innocent people up. How can you hate them like you do? They are people who should have rights under our courts and not subject to interrogation. And now we hear that they have been tortured? You should just turn the other cheek and let them be. They will leave us alone then.
You have alienated other countries that have loved and supported us for years. You are threading sanctions on that peaceful country Iran who only wants to get nuclear energy and they aren’t going to hurt anyone. You blew the food for oil scandal way out of proportion. And if you’d just leave Iraq now the world would be at peace again.
And on top of everything else you are cutting huge government programs aimed at the poor and elderly. You even went as far as giving back money to people by tax cuts and trying to changing social security. You are an evil man indeed. Maybe Sheehan was right that you are “worst than Bin Laden.”
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