A Fishy Story

I like to know my facts before I email my comments, so I did a little research and come to find out Basa IS NOT A CATFISH!!!!
Hmmmm... let say another nation starts importing tomatoes into this country, but they are lets say really oranges. That would be fraud and a crime.
Do your own research. Here is what I found and tell me if this is a catfish? http://www.fishbase.org/ComNames/ComNamesPicList.cfm?Criteria=ComNames.ComName+like+%27%25basa%25%27"
Looking further we found at http://www.fishbase.org/identification/specieslist.cfm?famcode=129&areacode= that there are 47 species in this family, 12 of which grow in America. Without going too deeply into biology or Latin words, we see that each and every one of the ugly suckers has whiskers. That's why they're called "catfish." http://www.vvg-vietnam.com/vignettes_65.htm
Yes the Sen. from Mississippi did the right thing here... It's always good to check the facts instead of just fishing!
I'm in favor of world trade and competition, but not misrepresenting a product. All fish are not created equal.
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