The Pendulum Swings Right with Alito

Many years have passed and periodically I still feel the shift in power in this country. When President Ronald Reagan was elected I felt it, when Bill Clinton was elected and then re-elected my heart sank again, but my faith was renewed when George W. Bush was elected president and then also re-elected.
The pendulum had passed center and started back to the right. I could feel it again. We had another good man willing to fight for what is right and stand up for what is good in this country. With the appointment of Justice John Roberts and now Judge Alito’s soon confirmation I again have a renewed faith in this country.
I hope that the momentum towards good continues and where common sense and justice ring true in the courts. That they will stand up for Justice and morality. And that the men and women of the highest court in the land will again uphold the Constitution of the United States as our forefathers had intended.
The pendulum swings right with Judge Alito, I know because I feel that shift again!
Alito Sworn In as Nation's 110th Supreme Court Justice
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