Sunday, January 29, 2006

Democrats a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

I’m curious how for years the Black Americans have been blinded by the passage and history of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

“the new President Lyndon Johnson decided to use his power in Congress to pass it.[5] The bill divided both political parties and engendered a long-term change in the demographics of both. President Johnson realized that supporting this bill would mean losing the South's overwhelming Democratic Party majority (which did happen). After Dixiecrats led an 83 day filibuster against the bill, with WV senator Robert Byrd speaking for more than 14 straight hours, both parties voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Act, enabling its passage.”

An 83 day fillibuster is support? I find it astonishing that this fact seems to elude “Black Leaders” and the black democrats.

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