Wednesday, February 08, 2006

We the People

In Response to Steven Laffoley's article We the People? Not Anymore.


I glad you fled this country with those same socialist ideas that are responsible for the huge deficit our country faces. In USA Today they showed a breakdown of the 2006 proposed federal budget and the highest spending was for The Department of Health and Human Services. It has a budget of $642 billion dollars compared to $419 billion spent on defense.

These social programs are the largest single portions of the budget. The Constitution says, “…promote the general welfare…” NOT provide for the general welfare as the Democrats have interpreted it to say. Services over services, handouts over handouts, these legislators have created a monster where spending is out of control.

If you want the government to provide for you stay in Canada and let them foot the bill for you. As far as I’m concerned I’m tired of paying for others too lazy to work or get an education. But don’t make me out as a cold-hearted human being, because I do support, at the State level, social programs to help the elderly, mentally retarded, and temporarily “down on your luck” people. Just not at the Federal level.

As far as Social Security I’d like to rename it more accurately to “The Government Thinks I’m Too Stupid to Save for My Future and Manage My Own Money Program”. Now I know it’s a lengthy name, but I believe this new name is exactly what Democrats meant when they created it. Maybe if Americans realized the way Democrats truly view “We the People” they would change their votes. Then we could work on changing the program and return the money to the people as Bush attempted.

There is always a price to pay when you sell your soul to the Devilocrats. They are the ones saying “Hooray for me, and screw you!” cause they have your money!


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