Boys Will Be Boys
Police and school officials have gone too far here. A 12yr old boy in Aurora brought powered sugar to school and was charged with a felony. “Police Say Sugar Brought To School Look-Alike Drug” and nobody checked the substance? Talk about morons.
The school officials should have taken it away gave him a detention and called his parents. And only if they could not identify the substance call the police. Where has common sense gone in this world?
The next thing you know parents will be arrested for a boy saying to his buddies “Hey guys I’m drinking a beer” and its root beer! I can see the headlines now “Parents arrested when son drinks a look-alike beer. Charged with child endangerment and contributing to the delinquency of a minor!”
The school officials should have taken it away gave him a detention and called his parents. And only if they could not identify the substance call the police. Where has common sense gone in this world?
The next thing you know parents will be arrested for a boy saying to his buddies “Hey guys I’m drinking a beer” and its root beer! I can see the headlines now “Parents arrested when son drinks a look-alike beer. Charged with child endangerment and contributing to the delinquency of a minor!”
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