What is freedom?

As a child we should learn that freedom comes with a price. That freedom is about personal responsibility and consequences for our actions. In this country it allows people to grow up and become whom ever they want and enjoy the fruits of their labor. The choices are endless and that’s what makes America great.
A person that allows the government to interfere with their lives are giving up freedom. You depend on that welfare check, you wait for the social security or expect the government to provide health care, and now they control you. You are a slave.
Democrats constantly pit the poor against the rich, but the rich understand the freedom we have and embrace it. They work hard, make decisions to invest capital to create new businesses, and they enjoy the fruits of their actions. But the poor who chose to give away their freedom and refrain from making choices are taught to hate the rich.
Control is what the Democrats want over people, they want to control your business, money and freedom. They treat Americans like sheep trying to herd them into government programs and stealing money through taxes. They promise a better life, but at the cost of all your freedom. You’ll be nothing more than an indentured servant in the house of Democrats.
This month we celebrate President Lincoln’s birthday, a man who understood freedom and who freed millions of slaves in this country. It is the same freedom that our forefathers died defending. And the very freedom you give up every time you vote for a Democrat and their socialistic views. Help keep our freedom just say no to Democrats!
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