It takes a village to raise a child…
I am a socialist! How can those words be any clearer? The collective efforts for the common good. Sound familiar?
At this moment I’m having Star Trek The Next Generation flashbacks that the “Borg” is coming. They assimilate all species of life in the universe for the “Collective” and all things are done for the common good of the “Collective”. Individuals are non-existent and you must conform or be terminated.
The “Borg” analogy may be a little harsh, but do you really want a president that’s a socialist in her thinking? Hillary Clinton in a speech says: “…a timeless reminder that children will thrive only if their families thrive and if the whole of society cares enough to provide for them.” The government should “provide” for the people, but at what price?
We are individuals, we are responsible for our success or failure in life and we are responsible for our children. As parents that is your number one duty. The care, protection, nurturing and growth of our children are parents job and should not be left to the government. Children are our legacy and the future of this nation. Do we really want to instill this lazy philosophy that the government should provide for them? Can you say “generations on welfare”? Or better yet “slaves of the State”?
Hard work and self-reliance is the only way to rise above poverty. And don’t say that people can’t get out of poverty. The federal, state and local governments have plenty of programs to help families or individuals. If you are on welfare in this country but are willing to learn and work hard to get out of poverty you can earn an entire college education paid for by tax dollars. I know several people who took advantage of the programs.
If Hillary Clinton is elected president with the Democrats holding on to the Senate & House, you will see tons of detrimental programs or entitlements implemented that will further erode our freedoms, continue toward bankrupting the US government and this Republic (“a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law”) will slip toward a government monarchy.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for Socialism. Remember her words, “It takes a (government) village…” to cure all problems in this country.
At this moment I’m having Star Trek The Next Generation flashbacks that the “Borg” is coming. They assimilate all species of life in the universe for the “Collective” and all things are done for the common good of the “Collective”. Individuals are non-existent and you must conform or be terminated.
The “Borg” analogy may be a little harsh, but do you really want a president that’s a socialist in her thinking? Hillary Clinton in a speech says: “…a timeless reminder that children will thrive only if their families thrive and if the whole of society cares enough to provide for them.” The government should “provide” for the people, but at what price?
We are individuals, we are responsible for our success or failure in life and we are responsible for our children. As parents that is your number one duty. The care, protection, nurturing and growth of our children are parents job and should not be left to the government. Children are our legacy and the future of this nation. Do we really want to instill this lazy philosophy that the government should provide for them? Can you say “generations on welfare”? Or better yet “slaves of the State”?
Hard work and self-reliance is the only way to rise above poverty. And don’t say that people can’t get out of poverty. The federal, state and local governments have plenty of programs to help families or individuals. If you are on welfare in this country but are willing to learn and work hard to get out of poverty you can earn an entire college education paid for by tax dollars. I know several people who took advantage of the programs.
If Hillary Clinton is elected president with the Democrats holding on to the Senate & House, you will see tons of detrimental programs or entitlements implemented that will further erode our freedoms, continue toward bankrupting the US government and this Republic (“a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law”) will slip toward a government monarchy.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for Socialism. Remember her words, “It takes a (government) village…” to cure all problems in this country.
I am trying to get a conservative digg alternative going called GOP Hub ( Anything you can do to help with this effort would be awesome. Plus feel free to submit any articles you write here on your blog :). Take care and have a great week!
What you've written here indicates that perhaps you are not familiar with the preamble of our constitution: "We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Maybe you would be happier living in a country with a different constitution.
If the government's aim is not to cure society's problems, then why have government at all?
Another question I have for you--and I am truly interested in your answer--is: what is your experience with rising out of poverty? Have you ever been below the poverty line? And if you have, was it purely through self-reliance and hard work that you became successful enough to own a computer and start a blog?
My last questions is: If you are such an advocate of self-reliance and hard work, why did you vote for and support a candidate who was a C student, an alcoholic, and rode his father's coat tails all the way to the White House?
You shouldn't worry about democrats like Hillary Clinton bankrupting our government and our society. You should be taking a good hard look at the party and the administration that led us into a war which is costing $200 million a day--the party that is working with oil companies to raise gas prices.
Clearly, you are the one who is afraid to see the truth.
Unafraid Left Wing,
Apparently you have difficulty with the English language. Please read these words again as you quoted from the preamble: "establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"
The sole reason for a government is to protect this nation and maintain peace as stated by our forefathers. A government’s job is not to cure society's problems but ensure an environment that people can purse happiness and be safe while doing it. By giving control of you life to the government you give up the very freedom we fought so hard for and declared our independence.
To answer your next question: Yes I have been well below the poverty line and just short of welfare, but through hard work I have achieved a moderate life to support my family and put all three of my children through private schools and now have 2 children in college. So I know there are no excuses to failing in this country.
And the answer to the last question is that George Bush stands and believes just as I do that the role of the government is to protect its people and not control people’s lives. Yes war is costly and had the people of this nation not fought for our freedom you would be bowing to a king & queen or saying Heil Hitler to a fuhrer.
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