
Lately I just don’t seem to get fired up over issues like I used to, so the posts are fewer and farther in between. I guess I’ve just thrown my hands up and figured that why jump up and down and scream? Does it make a difference?
It seems to me that congress is at a deadlock and I’m not sure that they can accomplish anything but bickering. So everything stays the status quo. I think I’m ok with that at the moment.
It gets exhausting standing on my soapbox spewing my solutions in hopes of changing some minds to actually think for themselves and not be lured into the utopia of a government controlling every aspect of your life.
I’d run for office if the skeletons in my closet were not piled so high. But maybe I could use the defense that I “never inhaled” and the experimentation with drugs was secluded to my youthful curiosity.
I look at my local government and shake my head at the ineptness and stupidity running wild. I know that in past leadership roles I shine, but I think of the work, the time and missing out on my children’s lives. It’s a huge sacrifice that at this moment I’m not prepared to make. I know I’m selfish.
I’ve always lived by the rule that if you complain you better be ready to step up and make a difference. But lately I cannot muster the energy to complain let alone get involved in anything that I can make a difference. So hence the lack of new posts on the website.
Maybe I’ll find rejuvenation but right now it seems like nobody is listening.
It seems to me that congress is at a deadlock and I’m not sure that they can accomplish anything but bickering. So everything stays the status quo. I think I’m ok with that at the moment.
It gets exhausting standing on my soapbox spewing my solutions in hopes of changing some minds to actually think for themselves and not be lured into the utopia of a government controlling every aspect of your life.
I’d run for office if the skeletons in my closet were not piled so high. But maybe I could use the defense that I “never inhaled” and the experimentation with drugs was secluded to my youthful curiosity.
I look at my local government and shake my head at the ineptness and stupidity running wild. I know that in past leadership roles I shine, but I think of the work, the time and missing out on my children’s lives. It’s a huge sacrifice that at this moment I’m not prepared to make. I know I’m selfish.
I’ve always lived by the rule that if you complain you better be ready to step up and make a difference. But lately I cannot muster the energy to complain let alone get involved in anything that I can make a difference. So hence the lack of new posts on the website.
Maybe I’ll find rejuvenation but right now it seems like nobody is listening.
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