The N Word

The N word has a history of such demeaning and degrading context why would you ever want to use it? How about we try and do what Woopie says and try and redefine other words or phrases. How about the term “Child Molester”? Lets all greet each other with “Hey! What’s up child molester?” That is just as ludicrous as what Woopie is saying.
I’m still amazed that black leaders still on one hand say we need to unite and all get along then on the other fight tooth and nail to defy promoting acceptable social behavior. Greeting another with any derogatory word or term is not an acceptable social behavior. What ever happened to manners, social graces and respect for others? Shouldn’t this be the message resonating through the black community?
Blacks siding with the rappers use of derogatory and degrading terms and continuing to make excuses for unacceptable social behavior like using the N word just isn’t cutting it anymore. If you want to be respected you have to respect others.
Stop using the the N word!
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