It takes a village to raise a child…
I am a socialist! How can those words be any clearer? The collective efforts for the common good. Sound familiar?
At this moment I’m having Star Trek The Next Generation flashbacks that the “Borg” is coming. They assimilate all species of life in the universe for the “Collective” and all things are done for the common good of the “Collective”. Individuals are non-existent and you must conform or be terminated.
The “Borg” analogy may be a little harsh, but do you really want a president that’s a socialist in her thinking? Hillary Clinton in a speech says: “…a timeless reminder that children will thrive only if their families thrive and if the whole of society cares enough to provide for them.” The government should “provide” for the people, but at what price?
We are individuals, we are responsible for our success or failure in life and we are responsible for our children. As parents that is your number one duty. The care, protection, nurturing and growth of our children are parents job and should not be left to the government. Children are our legacy and the future of this nation. Do we really want to instill this lazy philosophy that the government should provide for them? Can you say “generations on welfare”? Or better yet “slaves of the State”?
Hard work and self-reliance is the only way to rise above poverty. And don’t say that people can’t get out of poverty. The federal, state and local governments have plenty of programs to help families or individuals. If you are on welfare in this country but are willing to learn and work hard to get out of poverty you can earn an entire college education paid for by tax dollars. I know several people who took advantage of the programs.
If Hillary Clinton is elected president with the Democrats holding on to the Senate & House, you will see tons of detrimental programs or entitlements implemented that will further erode our freedoms, continue toward bankrupting the US government and this Republic (“a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law”) will slip toward a government monarchy.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for Socialism. Remember her words, “It takes a (government) village…” to cure all problems in this country.
At this moment I’m having Star Trek The Next Generation flashbacks that the “Borg” is coming. They assimilate all species of life in the universe for the “Collective” and all things are done for the common good of the “Collective”. Individuals are non-existent and you must conform or be terminated.
The “Borg” analogy may be a little harsh, but do you really want a president that’s a socialist in her thinking? Hillary Clinton in a speech says: “…a timeless reminder that children will thrive only if their families thrive and if the whole of society cares enough to provide for them.” The government should “provide” for the people, but at what price?
We are individuals, we are responsible for our success or failure in life and we are responsible for our children. As parents that is your number one duty. The care, protection, nurturing and growth of our children are parents job and should not be left to the government. Children are our legacy and the future of this nation. Do we really want to instill this lazy philosophy that the government should provide for them? Can you say “generations on welfare”? Or better yet “slaves of the State”?
Hard work and self-reliance is the only way to rise above poverty. And don’t say that people can’t get out of poverty. The federal, state and local governments have plenty of programs to help families or individuals. If you are on welfare in this country but are willing to learn and work hard to get out of poverty you can earn an entire college education paid for by tax dollars. I know several people who took advantage of the programs.
If Hillary Clinton is elected president with the Democrats holding on to the Senate & House, you will see tons of detrimental programs or entitlements implemented that will further erode our freedoms, continue toward bankrupting the US government and this Republic (“a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law”) will slip toward a government monarchy.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for Socialism. Remember her words, “It takes a (government) village…” to cure all problems in this country.