When Congress Runs Amok

What immediate rights do the people have (other than to vote the rascal out of office next term) to repeal a bill that the people did not want? Should we have an amendment to repeal bills when Congress deliberately defies representing the people and their wishes? The balance of power is distorted when Congress ignores the people and it now becomes a collective dictatorship.
It seems that we have entered into the twilight zone under this aministration. “You silly people, you are naive and stupid to the ways of the world and we know best.” Doesn’t that sound like a dictatorship??? “We will ignore your wishes, take your cash and redistribute your hard earned money and give it to the poor people who vote for us because we give them free stuff and we love the slaves votes!”
There will be a revolt like you have never seen if this Obamacare is not repealed and spending & taxing doesn’t stop immediately. This President will be the most hated President since Jimmy Carter. And will be the laughing stock of the world. (They already portray him as a moron) He does not understand that in order to gain respect in the world you must flex your power and strength. Otherwise they view you as weak and will attack.
Maybe it was the novelty of electing a black president, but what the people have done is placed an inexperienced ignorant man into office that will turn this country into a socialist nation and make us vulnerable to terrorist and destroy what makes this nation great.
GOD help this great nation!
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