Democratic Party is a Slave Master

It’s all about control. They want to control our lives and our money. The monster feeds itself. Any state or federal social program survives on funding. If you lose you “clients” your business closes and your job is lost. Where is the motivation to end or reduce those programs? If you help these people succeed in life and become productive people in society they realize that they were slaves and the party loses their votes.
Money leads to power. And the Democrats now have control of “the whole shebang”. They are running through our tax dollars like a crack-head with a wad of cash in his pocket. And there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight! It reminds me of a scene in the movie (if my memory serves me correct) “The Jerk” where Steve Martin says “How can I be out of money? I still have checks!” They are going to bankrupt this country at the current rate of spending.
Can you guess what the solution to the government being broke? Let’s all say it! TAX THE RICH!!!! They work hard and make way too much money so let’s play Robin Hood! Steal from the rich and give to the poor! It’s the party’s modus operandi for over 100 yrs. Keep the people under your thumb and make them rely on the government and “they won’t bite the hand that feeds them”. Control equals votes plain and simple and that is slavery!
The poor and uneducated are stuck in slavery and they will continue to vote for that party. But what is the excuse for those that voted for Obama? Do you want to be a slave? Do you want your freedoms traded for legislation allowing abortion, gay marriage, stem cell research, sex offender leniency, criminals released on the streets, no border protection, military reduction and ineffectiveness, and the torture and killings of millions of people in other countries?
You voted for change!
But you forgot to ask what kind of change you would get!
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