Lock-Step Democratic Liberals

If you believe that gays behavior is wrong you’re a homophobe or if you criticize a race’s behavior like illegal immigration then you are a racist. Liberals are bullying people into doing just what they want and conditioning people to react rather than to think for themselves.
Are not American’s permitted to think and have opinions without repercussions? It seems liberals don’t believe that we are capable of using our brains in forming logical conclusions based on religious beliefs, experience and conscience. God forbid you might have a thought without listening to the almighty liberal’s point of view, because if you don’t they will call you names.
Churning out these mindless drones has become an epidemic in our youth. Parents are responsible for teaching kids morals and passing on their knowledge and experience to help them make life choices. But now the schools and colleges are teaching our kids how to think the liberal way without check anymore. In my opinion many parents are too consumed in pursuing material things rather than worrying about raising their children properly.
So, without guidance from the family, children will seek information where they can get it despite whether the information is correct or of sound logic. And now Pavlov’s law becomes reality in the way children and young adults receive information. They tell you that any behavior is acceptable but if you don’t agree then you are a bad person. And as soon as you think for yourself you get an F on the test or the other mindless drones shun you. They condition you like lab rats to react the way they want.
Lock-step or else is the message from the liberals. Just look at what happened to Miss California.