Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Pendulum Swings Right with Alito

I was 11 yrs old and I remember hearing that the highest court in the land ruled in favor of abortion. My heart sank. How could we allow the killing of the unborn? Where has the morality gone in this country? Raised Catholic theses actions were against my beliefs and I felt the powers of evil shift and gain strength.

Many years have passed and periodically I still feel the shift in power in this country. When President Ronald Reagan was elected I felt it, when Bill Clinton was elected and then re-elected my heart sank again, but my faith was renewed when George W. Bush was elected president and then also re-elected.

The pendulum had passed center and started back to the right. I could feel it again. We had another good man willing to fight for what is right and stand up for what is good in this country. With the appointment of Justice John Roberts and now Judge Alito’s soon confirmation I again have a renewed faith in this country.

I hope that the momentum towards good continues and where common sense and justice ring true in the courts. That they will stand up for Justice and morality. And that the men and women of the highest court in the land will again uphold the Constitution of the United States as our forefathers had intended.

The pendulum swings right with Judge Alito, I know because I feel that shift again!

Alito Sworn In as Nation's 110th Supreme Court Justice

Monday, January 30, 2006

Stephen Baldwin Against Porn Shop a Hypocrite?

Flip flop flip flop it’s the sound of Hollywood actors changing their views to fit their agenda. It is funny how once a lot of actors have children they realize the impact that the deviant behavior they supported and embraced has on society. Actors like Stephen Baldwin, Madonna and others are among the hypocrites.

“After Sept. 11, he (Stephen Baldwin) became a born-again Christian and staunch supporter of President Bush. He's now on a mission to protect more traditional values…” says the article on ABC News about his means to keep a porn shop out of his town. It seems he’s not against people buying it, but just not in his town.

Lets see how long he holds out supporting the “traditional values” once that multi-million dollar role or film comes along…I’ll bet all you’ll hear is Flip flop flip flop…

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Democrats a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

I’m curious how for years the Black Americans have been blinded by the passage and history of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

“the new President Lyndon Johnson decided to use his power in Congress to pass it.[5] The bill divided both political parties and engendered a long-term change in the demographics of both. President Johnson realized that supporting this bill would mean losing the South's overwhelming Democratic Party majority (which did happen). After Dixiecrats led an 83 day filibuster against the bill, with WV senator Robert Byrd speaking for more than 14 straight hours, both parties voted overwhelmingly in favor of the Act, enabling its passage.”

An 83 day fillibuster is support? I find it astonishing that this fact seems to elude “Black Leaders” and the black democrats.

Reference - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Is There Intelligent Life Down there?

Fox News reports “O'Donnell plans sitcom about gay woman who moves in with ex-husband”, we have absurd reality shows dominating the cable stations, American Idol and shows that just portray Americans as just plain stupid. So if there is intelligent life out there would they even visit this planet?

Why do the liberal producers insist on stereotyping all Americans with a low IQ? I think that it goes back to the same strategy as trying to reinforce their deviant behavior by depicting them as normal. Thousands and thousands of weekly images define our perception of our fellow man by the programs we watch.

I see it as a method of control over Americans especially the poor and uneducated. Power and control is what the liberals want. They don’t care about the people of this country, they view you as cattle. Liberal Democrats want control of your money and ultimately your lives. Can you say Socialists?

I refuse to watch those programs, but for those who do not it validates the liberal efforts to impose their beliefs of this nation. Go ahead and watch Rosie O’Donnell’s new show. If intelligent life is out there they wouldn’t assume there is any here by our TV programming.

Image link - agog.net/pale/artputer/ landscapes.html

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hundreds of Gays Discharged from the Military?

Why would the military discharge “normal people” from serving their country? If you watch TV & movies it would seem that every third person is gay. So if this is so normal why is there a problem?

Well here are some interesting facts that will help you understand and see through the myths. It is just a yearning for acceptance the gay community seeks.

- Gay suicide is more than 3 times the national average

- According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “Men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for approximately two thirds of all HIV infections among men in 2003.”

- According to Dr. Cameron who is Chairman of the Family Research Institute of Colorado Springs, Colorado.

“Besides gays’ preoccupation with sex, traditionalist psychiatrists have catalogued a higher incidence of personality characteristics suggesting psychological disturbance and an inability to interact successfully with others. Dr. Edmond Bergler, who treated over a thousand homosexuals, concluded that gays tended to:

- provoke attacks against themselves and then count these "attacks" as injustices they had suffered
- display defensive malice toward others,
- exhibit a flippant attitude in order to cover underlying depression and guilt,
- display extreme narcissism and superciliousness,
- refuse to acknowledge accepted standards in non-sexual matters, on the assumption that the right to cut moral corners is due homosexuals as compensation for their "suffering,"
- and be generally unreliable, also of a more or less psychopathic nature.”

- Less than ½ of a percent of the US population is declared gay (By my calculations it is .03% according to the 2000 census)

So with all these psychological and potential problems do we really want them in the military? I can’t ignore these facts and I can’t see why the military would either.

Referenced Article - http://www.familyresearchinst.org/FRI_EduPamphlet6.html

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Where Does It Say Separation of Church and State?

Where does it say in the Constitution there must be a separation between church and state? I believe the Constitution is quite clear in the matter. Yet the judicial system and states have taken it upon itself to create laws and make decisions in direct violation of the Constitution.


Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I saw an article today "A high school senior in the Chicago area complained to district officials because religious people were allowed to speak at a school-wide assembly, according to the Chicago Sun-Times." The article goes on to say "...God or faith was not mentioned once. The speakers talked about, for example, never giving up, quoting Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Sir Edmund Hillary..."

The original article said "We had some concerns about separation between church and state, and we don't like these kinds of assemblies being pushed on us, said Soto...” So I'm calling my lawyer? This is insane! Have you ever thought of not attending? (Which he didn't BTW which makes this more ludicrous) I don't like the KKK rallies or message, SO I DON'T GO and I don’t listen!

This is just another result of judges gone amok in this country. We continue to allow others to violate our Constitutional right to freely exercise our religion under the guise of a “politically correct” theory. And we continue to elect these judges who continue to make decisions in direct violation of the Constitution.

My frustration is that we have idly watched a minority of people chip away at the fundamentals that make this country so great. Why do we allow others to decay the fabric of this nation? It’s time for men and women like Judge Samuel Alito Jr. to correct the damage done and enforce the Constitution the way our forefathers intended.

Quoted article - http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,182450,00.html
Original article - http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-lane12.html

Monday, January 23, 2006

Black Leadership: A New Generation of Pragmatists or More Socialist?

In response to the article written by Ron Rice Jr. published by Fox News in Nov, 2005

Mr. Rice,

After reading you bio on your website, I can see that you are a man of hard work and self reliance. But I can't understand the socialistic ideology coming from that kind of background.

You write:
"So, my younger generation proposes new ideas: Like Harold Ford Jr.'s "Call to Service" plan and his stakeholder account idea, in which the federal government, in return for community service, establishes accounts for low-income children that will be invested until they reach 18 and can take full control of the account.

We support Jackson Jr.'s strategy of calling for constitutional amendments that would guarantee health care, full employment and education as fundamental rights."

What part did the federal government play in you life growing up? Is not government hand-out's spoiling "your people" relying on the government instead of themselves? Isn't hard work and self reliance a more worthy mantra than government reliance?

How can you call these ideas "A New Generation of Pragmatists" if all you are doing is regurgitating the same socialist ideas that Democrats have been keeping "your people" enslaved with for decades?

Original article - http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,175965,00.html
Website - www.ron-rice.com

Hard Work & Self-reliance is Key to Success

Reprint of my response. "I applaud many of the points in Clarence Page’s article on the NAACP on Dec 2nd, 2004."

Mr. Page writes: “…opportunities abound for those who are able and willing to take advantage of them. The struggle for equality involves more than civil rights. It’s also involves preparing our young people to take advantage of opportunities that the civil right movement has opened up for them.”

This is clearly the message that the youth need to hear. Hard work, self-reliance and personal responsibility are the keys to success. Men like Bill Cosby are spreading the message loud and clear by voice and example. These are the same ideals that make up the “backbone” of the Republican Party and why I believe President Bush received 11% of the black vote.

You may call it an important evolution, if not a revolution, but I call it hope for the young men and women of this great nation.

How Bush Won the Black Vote

A reprint of the response to the published commentary by Clarence Page in Nov, 2004.

This is and example of racist propaganda that he spreads and is typical of the so-called black leaders.

The reason that President Bush won a greater number of votes by the black community is that many are living the American Dream. They are finally realizing the flaws in the Democrats perception of how the world should work. They have realized that hard work and self reliance is the key to success. And government hand-outs are destructive to your self esteem.

The election wasn’t about moral values; it was about leadership, a vision of America and the protecting rights of all people to have an equal opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their hard work.

Mr. Page writes: “you’ve got to stop letting the other party do a better job defining your moral values than you do of defining theirs.” This is typical a Democrat’s thinking that people are too stupid to think for themselves, they need the government to think, care, and provide for them. These are the very falsehoods that keep Blacks impoverished.

Liberals need to understand that Blacks are waking up from this propaganda. No longer will you be able to point the finger at the Republicans for all the Black communities’ problems. Blacks have realized they can think for themselves, work hard and achieve whatever they wish. How do you explain Black’s home ownership is at an all time high?

The people of this country are waking up to the fact that liberals want to control people and spend their hard earned money. President Bush understands his role as leader in protecting this nation and providing an opportunity for all Americans to pursue the American Dream. The veil has been lifted liberals; spinning another tale of deception for the next election won’t work either.

You can reach Mr. Clarence Page at cpage@tribune.com

Stop the Hate Mongers

When will people learn that the Democrats only seek power and control of YOU and YOUR money? They spread the hate of the wealthy and people who belong to the Republican Party.

They’ll tell you to hate the people who make more money, but they won’t tell you how to make more or help you get there. They tell you that you are being discriminated against, but they won’t tell you how to change the perceptions. Even the so called “Black leaders” have an agenda at keeping the hate; otherwise they’d be out of a job.

If the Democrats really cared about the poor they would help to reduce or eliminate taxes for them, they would promote hard work and self-reliance as a means to lift yourself from poverty, and they would point you to the existing programs to help you. But instead they fuel the hate of the rich.

Government programs are designed to enslave the poor and keep them dependant on the politicians who promise a better life for all. Have you ever seen a person on welfare with a great life? They chant their socialist mantra that everyone is equal, but neglect to tell you that men & women that work harder and set goals achieve great things.

Democrats want your money and they want power over you, The Republicans want you to exercise your right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness! You make the choice; it’s you’re your constitutional right to vote!