Sunday, February 19, 2006

Smoking ban in public?

My friend and I just had this conversation last week. He took the ground that the government should stay out of his business but I submit that employers also have a responsibility to provide a safe working environment. Smoking is a health hazard and people who smoke should not be allowed to harm others period. If their actions cause harm to others then that is a crime.

I appreciate this rights of the smoker, but lets just for a moment call the actions of imposing hazardous smoke in my air space assault with a deadly weapon. I believe that is a crime punishable under the law. Lets go a step further and call parents who smoke in the house with infants or children who do not have a choice child endangerment.

If I poison another with small amounts of arsenic each day is that any less of a crime? I think not. If the government has required that cigarette companies post hazards and warning on the product and people continue to slowly poison me then isn’t this a crime?

This is one area my friend and I disagree. Both politically conservative and usually on the same page. But, slowly killing me is grounds for parting ways on this issue. He is totally against government involvement in business. But I say that the government is exercising its Constitutional responsibility as stated in the preamble. “...promote the general welfare…”

I am usually opposed to large government, but it's role is to defend this country against foreign and domestic threats like criminals, con artists, and fraud including protecting the people from hazards that we know cause death. Would you advocate eliminating the FDA? I’d say not.

If people want to kill themselves slowly that’s not a problem [I enjoy my adult beverage often] but that is my choice not others. If every restaurant put arsenic in your food people would have a fit. Why is this so different?

Update: Wednesday February 22nd, 2006

Fightback states "Many studies have been carried out but most have found no statistical evidence for an increase in smoking related diseases for those exposed to environmental tobbaco smoke (ETS)."

So I have included links to the studies below.
Ontario's Medical Association -
American Heart Association -
National Center for Health Statistics -

I think these 3 are enough proof that second hand smoke causes cancer and is therefore a health hazard. Google it yourself Fightback.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Little Jab at the VP

President Bush welcomed the 2005 NCAA Football Champions University of Texas Longhorns to the White House today.

An anouncer on Fox had made the comment that "...they would be wearing orange just in case Vice President Cheney showed up..."

I was rotflmao!

Sorry Vice President Cheney! I don't care who you are that's funny stuff!

Press Tries to Spin Story Surprised?

Corpus Spohn Hospital Memorial administrator Peter Banko stated at a press conference today that Harry Whittington’s bird shot injuries from Vice President Cheney had caused a minor complication. It appears that one of the bird shots has irritated the upper chambers of the heart and caused a silent heart attack, but not it the traditional sense. They further stated that there is a slight chance it could move and wanted to keep him under observation for another week as a precaution.

Dr. David Blanchard, director of emergency services at the hospital stated that his heart was healthy and that after being asked by the press how it would affect his future he stated “He’ll live a long healthy life as God has intended”.

The thing that really irritated me as I watched was the questions the press asked. After being told that he was fine, that no further complications were expected, and his heart is extremely healthy, the press fired off questions as if he was on the brink of death. The entire press conference seemed to fall on deaf ears. I also noted that it started to irritate the Dr. and he quickly snapped back at one reporter’s question and then the administrator ended the questions.

It is no wonder there is media bashing going on. They constantly want to spin the story and make it grandeur. Reporting the facts is one job, providing a commentary on facts is another but it seems they blur and become “factentary” in the hands of the press.

The way the press treat facts reminds me of the exercise in a communications class 101. The teacher whispers “President Bush is a great president who defends his country” to the 1st student and he passes it on to the next and so on. The last student repeats out loud “President Bush is a terrorist and he’s going to nuke Iran”.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Boys Will Be Boys

Police and school officials have gone too far here. A 12yr old boy in Aurora brought powered sugar to school and was charged with a felony. “Police Say Sugar Brought To School Look-Alike Drug” and nobody checked the substance? Talk about morons.

The school officials should have taken it away gave him a detention and called his parents. And only if they could not identify the substance call the police. Where has common sense gone in this world?

The next thing you know parents will be arrested for a boy saying to his buddies “Hey guys I’m drinking a beer” and its root beer! I can see the headlines now “Parents arrested when son drinks a look-alike beer. Charged with child endangerment and contributing to the delinquency of a minor!”

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Your Political Compass

Saw this on Righting America and had to try it.



Seems I am Right go figure ;)

What is freedom?

As a Republican freedom stands for our ability to make choices and live by them, to live life without government intrusion, to earn a living or start a business without being taxed to death, to voice opinions without oppression, to travel the country without being hindered, and to worship and practice faith in our Creator in our own way.

As a child we should learn that freedom comes with a price. That freedom is about personal responsibility and consequences for our actions. In this country it allows people to grow up and become whom ever they want and enjoy the fruits of their labor. The choices are endless and that’s what makes America great.

A person that allows the government to interfere with their lives are giving up freedom. You depend on that welfare check, you wait for the social security or expect the government to provide health care, and now they control you. You are a slave.

Democrats constantly pit the poor against the rich, but the rich understand the freedom we have and embrace it. They work hard, make decisions to invest capital to create new businesses, and they enjoy the fruits of their actions. But the poor who chose to give away their freedom and refrain from making choices are taught to hate the rich.

Control is what the Democrats want over people, they want to control your business, money and freedom. They treat Americans like sheep trying to herd them into government programs and stealing money through taxes. They promise a better life, but at the cost of all your freedom. You’ll be nothing more than an indentured servant in the house of Democrats.
This month we celebrate President Lincoln’s birthday, a man who understood freedom and who freed millions of slaves in this country. It is the same freedom that our forefathers died defending. And the very freedom you give up every time you vote for a Democrat and their socialistic views. Help keep our freedom just say no to Democrats!

Friday, February 10, 2006

No Terrorist? Can It Be?

Apparently President Bush is up to his old tricks again according to the Democrats and Lefties. He has fabricated this whole terrorist war and there has not been a single threat to America since 9/11. There were never any weapons of mass destruction and now he’s listening to the 298,000,000 American’s phone calls for fun.

Oh President Bush shame, shame, shame! How could you betray our trust in you? You have invaded two countries that posed no threat to the US and removed two wonderful leaders from power. How they loved their people, cared for them and now one is on the lamb and the other is on trial for crimes he didn’t commit.

You just don’t seem to understand terrorist, they are good religious people. They really didn’t mean to blow innocent people up. How can you hate them like you do? They are people who should have rights under our courts and not subject to interrogation. And now we hear that they have been tortured? You should just turn the other cheek and let them be. They will leave us alone then.

You have alienated other countries that have loved and supported us for years. You are threading sanctions on that peaceful country Iran who only wants to get nuclear energy and they aren’t going to hurt anyone. You blew the food for oil scandal way out of proportion. And if you’d just leave Iraq now the world would be at peace again.

And on top of everything else you are cutting huge government programs aimed at the poor and elderly. You even went as far as giving back money to people by tax cuts and trying to changing social security. You are an evil man indeed. Maybe Sheehan was right that you are “worst than Bin Laden.”

Pearls Before Swine

A little more humor!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

and now for a public service announcement

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

We the People

In Response to Steven Laffoley's article We the People? Not Anymore.


I glad you fled this country with those same socialist ideas that are responsible for the huge deficit our country faces. In USA Today they showed a breakdown of the 2006 proposed federal budget and the highest spending was for The Department of Health and Human Services. It has a budget of $642 billion dollars compared to $419 billion spent on defense.

These social programs are the largest single portions of the budget. The Constitution says, “…promote the general welfare…” NOT provide for the general welfare as the Democrats have interpreted it to say. Services over services, handouts over handouts, these legislators have created a monster where spending is out of control.

If you want the government to provide for you stay in Canada and let them foot the bill for you. As far as I’m concerned I’m tired of paying for others too lazy to work or get an education. But don’t make me out as a cold-hearted human being, because I do support, at the State level, social programs to help the elderly, mentally retarded, and temporarily “down on your luck” people. Just not at the Federal level.

As far as Social Security I’d like to rename it more accurately to “The Government Thinks I’m Too Stupid to Save for My Future and Manage My Own Money Program”. Now I know it’s a lengthy name, but I believe this new name is exactly what Democrats meant when they created it. Maybe if Americans realized the way Democrats truly view “We the People” they would change their votes. Then we could work on changing the program and return the money to the people as Bush attempted.

There is always a price to pay when you sell your soul to the Devilocrats. They are the ones saying “Hooray for me, and screw you!” cause they have your money!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Kill Them All and Let Allah Sort Them Out?

Demonstrations, fire bombings and violent acts does this represent a peaceful group? I’m going to have to agree with Oliver North that “Moderate Muslim is an oxymoron”. Fanatical, extremist and violent accurately describe this group of people. This is a group of radicals that do not understand tolerance. I don’t believe that these people will ever be peaceful based on actions. It's a cartoon get over it!

I don’t claim to understand their beliefs, but they keep saying their teachings are peaceful. According to a website: Misconception #9: The Islamic Threat “Do the teachings of Islam encourage terrorism? The answer: Certainly not! Islam totally forbids the terrorist acts that are carried out by some misguided people.”

Then why are these people claiming to be Muslims if they don’t follow the teachings? Maybe it’s just the thought of all those virgins that drives them crazy. I don’t know, but if was me I renegotiate with Allah and change that to 72 experienced women, but that’s just me!

Friday, February 03, 2006

Is it Just Demorcrats with Bad Memory?

It's amazing to me how the Democrats forget what they have said on TV at interviews and in public. Do they not know about video recorders, audio tape machines & TV?

Check out this video at Conservative Style I enjoyed it!

The Republican logo should remind you we never forget how to record!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Oh Cindy...

I have a hard time believing you can forget you are going to a formal event at the Capital and you wear a t-shirt. Who are you trying to kid here?

If passed the New Patriot Act Provision creates tighter barriers to Officials at Public Events. National Special Security Events will be raised to a higher status.

So you and your Anti-American protesting t-shirt would not only end up in jail, but be convicted of a felony AND lose your voting rights!

I am truly sorry for your loss, but if I were your son I'd be turning in my grave right now watching your actions. Your son was a courageous man and a hero in my eyes and to most Americans, but all your antics tarnish his memory.

God Bless our military men & women in harms way!

A Fishy Story

I read the artice by Radley Balko and sent him the following comments:

I like to know my facts before I email my comments, so I did a little research and come to find out Basa IS NOT A CATFISH!!!!

Hmmmm... let say another nation starts importing tomatoes into this country, but they are lets say really oranges. That would be fraud and a crime.

Do your own research. Here is what I found and tell me if this is a catfish?"

Looking further we found at that there are 47 species in this family, 12 of which grow in America. Without going too deeply into biology or Latin words, we see that each and every one of the ugly suckers has whiskers. That's why they're called "catfish."

Yes the Sen. from Mississippi did the right thing here... It's always good to check the facts instead of just fishing!

I'm in favor of world trade and competition, but not misrepresenting a product. All fish are not created equal.

Man’s Best Friend Turns into Drug Smuggler

“Colombian drug dealers turned puppies into couriers by surgically implanting them with packets of heroin, federal authorities said Wednesday. Ten puppies, including Labrador retrievers, were rescued during a 2005 raid on a farm in Colombia... Colombian police said they adopted three dogs, one of which was being trained to sniff for drugs.”

How ironic it would be to get caught by one of the puppies you victimized?

Sic ‘em Boy!

Reference article -,2933,183507,00.html

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

To Wiretap or Not to Wiretap

The rhetoric needs to end over the legitimacy of the NSA wiretaps. So let's see if we can clear up where the Constitution gives the President the authority to wiretap.

Article II - The Executive Branch
Section 2 - Civilian Power over Military, Cabinet, Pardon Power, Appointments

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States…

Article IV - The States
Section 4 - Republican government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

And Congress authorized the USA PATRIOT ACT of 2001 H.R.3162 which says:

Sec. 201. Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to terrorism.

So let’s recap the President’s authority.
1.) He is the Commander in Chief of the Military.
2.) He has a responsibility as President of the United States to protect the states from foreign & domestic invasion.
3.) Congress under the Constitution makes laws and has authorized wiretaps under the USA Patriot Act.

If anything is criminal, it’s the Democrats & Liberals false accusations against the President who is fulfilling his Constitutional Oath of Office. It’s part of the Constitution if you bother reading it!